The Spellman Museum offers a wide variety of educational and informational programs about the history of stamps and the postal system. These programs can be customized and presented at the museum or offsite.  In addition to on site programming and hands-on content, the Spellman shares a wide variety of electronic offerings and resources.

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Stamp collecting often begins at a young age – children are often enchanted by the visuals and content a stamp offers. Exposing children to the joy of postage stamps and collecting can create a lifelong hobby.  The Spellman creates engaging programming to capture children’s interests. Activities include participating in stamp scavenger hunts, accumulating personal collections of stamps, attending lectures, among others.  All children take home a free packet of stamps and information about how to start their own collection. And, youth visitors have the opportunity to complete a quiz on the Main Gallery exhibits in order to be eligible to win even more stamps!

A children’s membership is available with benefits designed to engage and promote philately and the joy of collecting for years to come.

The Museum is available for school field trips and a member of our staff can arrange to visit classrooms of all grades. Programs can be designed to match current classroom curriculum. Programs for homeschool families are also available.

Tailored to Seniors

Stamp collecting is a lifelong passion as well as a useful and meaningful pastime for individuals of all ages. Many people who identify as seniors, both retired and active, enjoy lifelong collecting or are revisiting their hobby and engaging family and friends. 

The Spellman customizes programs for those attending senior centers, residents of assisted living facilities, attendees of Councils on Aging events, among others, both on-site and via Zoom. Exhibiting and outreach have re-engaged so many individuals whose lives were made more full thanks to their love of stamp collecting.  The Spellman offers a membership specifically tailored to seniors.